Monday, December 3, 2007

It's set

January 16, 2008..Zach will get his pacemaker.
It was awful to have that be the first thing I had to write in my new calendar, so I had to quickly write in some birthdays!
We're trying hard not to talk about it that much, because after all, we are dealing with a child here, not a pacemaker. But the other day we said something about God loving Zach, and he said, "yes, and he gave me a special heart, JUST ME" And he found all his doctor stuff and has been walking around with the stethoscope around his neck, wearing latex gloves, saying, "can I please fix your heart?" So yeah...he knows something is up.
BUT..for now..tis the season to count our blessings.
And we are so very blessed.
Zach, for all intents and purposes, is really really healthy. As are the rest of the kids. They are all such a joy.
Emily continues to be very high needs though. Not that this is bad. I do know it will pass, but's rough. Her upper right front tooth is finally starting to poke through. It has been so swollen lately, and I'm hoping it will make for a happier girl. We'll see. I think it's wishful thinking, but I will wish anyway.
As usual, she is pulling on my legs, and my time is up. Someday, I'll post and not be interrupted by a crab apple crying or pulling on me!

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