Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Family

Matt got home in the middle of the night last night. 
We are a happy family.
Add to that, the weather is gorgeous today, and I think we are headed out to Cincinnati to the zoo.
Matt is handing out goodies for the convention.
Kids are so easily thrilled.   The kids got devices to put on their ipods, between the ipod and headphones, that keeps the sound at a safe level.  They all got mints, and pens, and notepads.

I got a magnet and the best thing of all..two chocolate ears!!  WOOT!
Zachy is currently having an earmold made of his ear.  Silly kid.
The highlight of Matt's week was seeing the Blues Brothers.

Alright, the hats weren't really from the Blues Brothers concert, though he did see them in concert, as well as Collective Soul.  The hats are from a roarin 20s party the first night there..I just think they look Blues Brothery! 

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