Thursday, May 4, 2006

Something happened in the process

When I went in to surgery they told me I wouldn't be able to nurse Zach for 24 hours.
We decided it was time to actively wean.
I know this is making some lactivists shake their heads in shame. But that's ok.
We nursed for 33 months, that is something to be proud of.
Zach has had no problems. He has asked to nurse just a couple times, and has been content to scamper off and do something else when I tell him I have owwies.
It is a bit sad to see this part of our relationship go. He truly is a big boy to get him out of diapers! ;-)


Maria said...

BIG BIG BIG HUGS TO YOU!!!!! i would be SOOOO PROUD for how long you nursed!!! 33 months is AWESOME!!!!! give him a big hug from us!! he sounds like he is doing great though!!

gina (uk) said...

33 months - WTG Bekl - thats brilliant :)

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